Summer review and SUB renovations
Andy Cheema - Tue Sep 27, 2011September is nearing its end, and it is hard to believe that five months have passed so quickly. With the fall semester well underway, I think it's fitting that I provide you with an update of some accomplishments made over the last months.
Following the executive retreat in May, I followed up on a campaign promise: adding additional electrical outlets in SUB. In my Myer Horowitz speech, the audience cheered when promised an improvement to the availability of electrical plug-ins. The number of outlets in SUB was evidently a commonly held concern. I hope that with the newly installed outlets around SUBstage, students find SUB to be a more functional and accommodating space for their studies.
Moreover, food quality is one of my chief concerns. I have been making progress behind the scenes over the summer. We recently hired a chef who is looking into healthier and tastier food options for Students' Union food outlets. Over the upcoming months, keep your eyes open for a revitalized menu in Room At The Top (RATT) and other SU food providers. This is very exciting – I can already taste the improvements.
Lastly, planning for SUB renovations has been a major focus of my attention. In order to produce concepts for renovations to the building, a project manager and architectural firm have been hired, and we have been collaborating closely with them over the last months. It's important to highlight the fact that successful renovations can only happen with thorough student consultation. If you have any ideas for the Students' Union Building, please send them my way at There is no better time to communicate your vision of a welcoming, lively and effective SUB.
If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact me at the e-mail address above, stop by SUB 2-900 or call at 780.492.4236. I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope that you have a phenomenal year at the University of Alberta!
Andy Cheema