Day 21: iChat and SU Book Club - May 31, 2013
Josh Le - Fri May 31, 2013And that pretty much wraps up Month #1! I'm going to refine the process of these posts within the next few weeks.
Top: The schedule was a bit lighter on Friday since I was preparing to head out for a retreat this weekend. That's retreat #3 for me in the month of May, so I made sure to keep it light. I discovered one neat feature of the Mac system iChat! The video conferencing system works relatively seamlessly. This is a fun photo from our chat.
Bottom: The SU Book Club met for the first time this summer to discuss Malcolm Gladwell's Blink. We had so many people that we had to split into two groups. Bonus: The weather was nice so we staked a spot at the picnic tables in Quad. We went through the first two chapters: (Ch1) The Theory of Thin Slices: How a Little Bit of Knowledge Goes a Long Way and (Ch2) THe Locked Door: The Secret Life of Snap Decisions. The discussion was fun and enlightening, and I look forward to reading through the rest of the book.
Other notables: First time ending my day at 3:30PM! I was busy tying up some loose ends before my retreat, but I'll count it as a personal victory.