
Day 3: It shouldn't work, but it works! – May 9

Josh Le - Thu May 09, 2013


Top: I spent half the day in important meetings. I would've taken a photo during the meeting, but that'd be largely inappropriate. While I can't talk about the meetings themselves, it clicked midway during the meetings how amazing and important the UASU managers, staff, and employees are. The UASU is an organization that annually turns over its executive, but it survives largely due to all the work the GM, Senior Managers, DRPA, and their staff. Without going through much detail, remember the 200-300 staff that keep the UASU alive and thriving.

Bottom-left: I'm starting a new workout program as a commitment to my health and some form of a work/life balance. I'm excited to get back into the gym. Biggest obstacle: How do I manage all my hair during the workout?

Bottom-left: Here's the new ONEcard compared the old one. Looks like I've changed a bit since my 1st year, eh?

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