Day 20: Students' Council Reports and office birthday cake - May 30, 2013
Josh Le - Thu May 30, 2013Top: The Executive Commitee (President + the 4 VPs) reports to Students' Council every two weeks on our work. I'm responsible for preparing a report every second week summarizing the VPOF portfolio's work to keep myself accountable to the highest governing body of the SU - Students' Council. Here's the link to my reports to Council: You're able to email written questions and put it on the agenda if you ever want me to respond to any questions in writing to Students' Council. Email Craig Turner, the Council Speaker at
Bottom: More cake! I'm noticing a trend with the SU culture. We have cake every month to celebrate the birthdays from the previous month. One great part about the cake is inviting the Services staff to join us in the celebration. The office staff is on the second floor while the Services are generally in the lower-level of SUB, so it's easy to go through all of our day without seeing them. It's these intentional efforts which work to bridge that gap. Unity!
Other notables: - I got to meet a few other VP Finances across the country through a conference call. The VP Operations and/or Finances don't get to meet as often as the Presidents or VP Externals since our national portfolios don't overlap as much, so I enjoyed meeting my colleagues across the country.