Day 37: Sneak peak at the studentcare mobile app and closing Cram Dunk and Juicy - June 21, 2013
Josh Le - Fri Oct 04, 2013Left: The SU will be a founding partner in the pilot project launching the mobile app by student care, the SU's Health and Dental plan consultant and administrator. The U of A will be the first University in Western Canada to give plan members access to a fully-secure comprehensive platform to submit their claims via their smartphones or iOS devices. We got a sneak peak of the app and it's looking very user friendly and useful. studentcare developed the app themselves in response to feedback received from students. Students will be able to verify coverage, show personalized PDC to the Pharmacist, have travel insurance info easily accessible, file a claim, and review their claim history. The app will be available for iOS devices on iTunes by the end of the month, and development is already underway to expand this to Android and other platforms in the near future.
Right: Two SU business units, Cram Dunk and Juicy, will be closed temporarily. The two operations will combine and occupy the recently vacated Java Jive space beside L'Express. Cram Dunk will be replaced by an OPA! Souvlaki and Juicy will be decant space for the SUB Renos. Cram Dunk and/or Juicy may return in the lower level after the SUB Renovations are complete, but that will depend on the new SUB Coffee Shop.