Got a question or something to say? Get in touch!
General Inquiries
The best way to start is by calling 780 492 4241: our reception desk staff will often be able to answer your question immediately, but if not, they will definitely know where to direct you. Check out our complete contact information in the right-hand column of this page.
You are also strongly encouraged to contact InfoLink, your campus connection, either online or at one of their six locations on campus.
Among many other things, the students who work at InfoLink can help you with academic issues (including the University Calendar, the Exam and Tutor Registries), as well as with student life things like the Volunteer Registry, Event Tickets, the Housing Registry and U-Pass/Arc Card information.
• UASU Departments, Services and Businesses
Visit the web page for the individual department you are looking for to find contact information.
• Want to Ask Us a Question, or Provide Anonymous Feedback?
Get in touch with us using our Ask Us form or our Anonymous Feedback form.
• Elected Student Representatives
If you are a student looking for your elected representatives, follow the links below:
- President
- Vice President Academic
- Vice President External
- Vice President Operations and Finance
- Vice President Student Life
- Undergraduate Board of Governors Representative
- Members of Students' Council
- Student Faculty Associations
Specific Inquiries
Before contacting a member of the UASU executive directly, members of the media should contact the External Advocacy Advisor, who can make any necessary arrangements to meet their needs.
• Media Inquiries
Ari Campbell
External Relations Specialist
phone: 780-492-4241
email: ari.campbell@su.ualberta.ca
Inquiries about advertising, sponsorship, social media and the UASU website are handled by the individuals or departments listed below.
Please do not contact them if your inquiry is of a general nature: your question will be answered faster if you contact our front desk or InfoLink.
• Sponsorship & Advertising Inquiries
Sponsorship and advertising inquiries could include major event sponsorship, advertising on SUTV (our campus-wide network of 120+ digital screens) or in the Student Handbook, or other opportunities such as tabling in SUB.
Todd Anderson
Business Development Specialist
phone: 587-597-4890
email: sponsorship@su.ualberta.ca
• Social Media and Website Inquiries
Juliana du Pree
Director, Marketing & Communications
phone: 780-492-4241
email: marketing@su.ualberta.ca