VP Student Life
Renson Alva VP Student Life

Renson Alva (he/they) is your UASU Vice President Student Life for the 2024/25 academic year. He is entering his fifth year of a Biological Sciences degree, with a minor in Sociology. Renson grew up on the tiny island Kingdom of Bahrain before moving to Edmonton in 2020 to pursue his degree. He has been involved on campus throughout his degree in various volunteer roles, living and working as a student-staff in residence for three years.

As the UASU renews its strategic plan, Renson hopes to continue the advocacy efforts of past executives to ensure you get the most out of your university experience. They will be working with their counterparts in the university administration to further student wellness, equity, diversity, inclusivity and accessibility on-campus. He will also be working on improvements at our residences and engage our communities in Augustana and Campus Saint Jean.

Renson is always looking to expand their advocacy efforts and student consultation. If you are ever in need of support, have concerns to raise or would simply like to chat about anything student life, please reach out to Renson by email; vp.studentlife@uasu.ca, book a meeting on their calendar or swing by SUB 2-900 :)

Fun Fact: Renson’s name is derived from a fusion of his dad’s name (Nelson) and mom’s name (Renita).

Duties of the VP Student Life

The wide-ranging portfolio of the Vice-President Student Life includes non-academic advocacy on issues that impact students, which can include everything from mental health to residence. The VP Student Life is also the executive responsible for much of the programming and events put on by the Students' Union, as well as services like the Peer Support Centre.

Le vaste portefeuille du/de la vice-président.e de la vie étudiante comprend la défense des intérêts non académiques sur des questions qui ont un impact sur les étudiants, ce qui peut inclure tout, de la santé mentale à la résidence. Le/la vice-président.e de la vie étudiante est également l'exécutif.ve responsable d'une grande partie de la programmation et des événements organisés par l'Union des étudiants, ainsi que des services tels que le Peer Support Centre.

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Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7