Resources & Downloads
Student Group Policies
Knowing your responsibilities as a registered student group is important. For this reason, all groups are required to sign a Liability Agreement. By signing this agreement as part of your student group registration, you are acknowledging that you have read the policies that pertain to student groups at the University of Alberta and agree to abide by them.
Main Student Group Policies
- UAPPOL Student Group Procedure
- Code of Student Behaviour
- Students' Union Bylaw 5100 (for SU-recognized groups only)
- GSA Governing Documents (for GSA-recognized groups only)
- Club Sports Handbook (for Club Sports organizations only)
- Students' Union Bylaw 150 (for Student Representative Associations only)
Applicable policies
- Alberta Gaming and Liquor Regulations
- Alcohol Events procedure
- Alcohol at University Events Policy
- Canvassing and Solicitation Policy
- Discrimination and Harassment policy
- Gaming Licenses
- Outdoor Event Site Booking Procedure
- Postering Procedure and list of poster boards
- Short-Term Casual Event Booking Procedure
- Trademarks and Licensing Policy
- University Visual Identity Policy
Bearsden Privileges and Privacy Policies
All student group executives are required to read and be familiar with this document, as they will be given higher level access to items on BearsDen and membership information for your group members.
Constitution Resources
Registration Form Resources
- New Group Rubric
- New Group Membership Petition & Endorsement Form
- Student Group External Affiliate Letter
- University Student Group Liability Agreement
- UASU's Representative Association Liability Agreement
- UASU's Student Group Liability Agreement
- Executive Roster Template
- Membership Roster Template
- Fraternity and Sorority Membership Roster Template
- Student Group Name & Logo Regulations Guidelines
- GSA Liability Agreement (for groups seeking GSA recognition only)
Registration Tip sheets
Executive Transition Resources
- Executive Transition Package
- Executive Transition Facilitation Guide
- Executive Off-boarding Checklist
Financial Resources
- Financial Handbook
- Operating Budget Template (XLS)
- Event Budget Template (XLS)
- Petty Cash Log Template (XLS)
- Sponsorship Confirmation Template (PDF)
Operations Resources
09:00am - 5:00pm
Monday to Friday
Student Group Services Office
0-81 Student Life Central
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7