Tutor Listing

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Name: Kerry Sluchinski
Availibility: Winter 2025 limited availability. Please contact me by email to arrange a time/for availability: ksluchin@ualberta.ca I hold a PhD in Applied Linguistics (2021); Chinese-English bilingual. *U of A tailored CHINA curriculum materials. Group tutoring may receive discount. In-person and Zoom sessions (Zoom preferred; Bilingual services in English-Mandarin; English-Korean; English-Japanese possible). Intensive/comprehensive midterm and final review sessions possible if booked in advance, especially LING 101/102, CHINA 101/102, CHINA 201/202 and EASIA 101.
Rate: $35.00
Courses: CHINA 101, CHINA 102, CHINA 201, CHINA 202, CHINA 301, CHINA 302, CHINA 401, CHINA 402, CHINA 428, CHINA 500, JAPAN 101, JAPAN 102, JAPAN 201, JAPAN 202, JAPAN 301, JAPAN 302, JAPAN 341, JAPAN 401, JAPAN 402, JAPAN 429, JAPAN 439, EASIA 101, EASIA 201, EASIA 211, EASIA 232, EASIA 240, EASIA 305, EASIA 315, EASIA 405, MLCS 300, MLCS 400, LING 101, LING 102, LING 204, LING 320, Editing , Writing
Name: Bismarck Garcia
Availibility: Online tutoring via Zoom. I co-taught SPAN 111 at the U of A during my time as a teaching/research assistant. Fall/Winter: Mon. /Tues., 1-6pm., Wed., 1-4pm., Thurs., 5:30-7:30pm., Fri. 1-4pm
Rate: $30.00
Courses: High School Spanish 10, High School Spanish 20, High School Spanish 30, High School Spanish Language & Culture 10-3Y, High School Spanish Language & Culture 20-3Y, High School Spanish Language & Culture 30-3Y, High School Spanish Language & Culture 10-9Y, High School Spanish Language & Culture 20-9Y, High School Spanish Language & Culture 30-9Y, SPAN 306, SPAN 315, SPAN 320, SPAN 322, SPAN 323, SPAN 326, SPAN 332, SPAN 335, SPAN 341, SPAN 405, SPAN 428, SPAN 499, AUSPA 402, AUSPA 404, LA ST 205, LA ST 210, LA ST 311, LA ST 499, ART H 213, RELIG 102, RELIG 211, EDPS 410, MLCS 602, MLCS 697, FREN 111, FREN 112, FREN 211, FREN 212, CHRTC 381, SPAN 111, SPAN 112, SPAN 211, SPAN 212, SPAN 300
Name: David Kok
Availibility: I can be available most evenings or Saturdays. I can tutor in person or online.
Rate: $25.00
Courses: CLASS 103, CLASS 280, CLASS 291, HEBR 210, HEBR 211, LATIN 101, LATIN 102, GREEK 101, GREEK 102, GREEK 201, GREEK 302, HIST 320, LATIN 201, LATIN 302, MLCS 300, CLASS 330, LATIN 410, GREEK 475, CLASS 303, GREEK 477, GERM 111, CLASS 110
Name: Samina Sana
Availibility: Please email me (ssana@ualberta.ca) at least a week in advance for online tutoring sessions. Thank you!
Rate: $30.00
Courses: ENGL 123, ENGL 124, W ST 201, SOC 100, SOC 271, SOC 225, SOC 251, SOC 260, SOC 269, SOC 224, EAS 205, EAS 204, SOC 344, SOC 382, MLCS 299, MLCS 399, SLAV 299, SPH 533, SPH 503, SPH 504, SPH 561, NU FS 363, ANAT 200, PALEO 200, SOC 370, REHAB 536, REHAB 537
Name: Loic Cremer
Availibility: My schedule is very flexible, please contact for details.
Rate: $50.00
Courses: JAPAN 101, JAPAN 102, JAPAN 201, BIOL 108, PALEO 200, STAT 151, DRAMA 102, DRAMA 103, DRAMA 203, DRAMA 208, DRAMA 308, DRAMA 383, DRAMA 409, WRITE 295, WRITE 393, WRITE 395, MLCS 399, C LIT 210, RELIG 103, High School English 10, High School English 20, High School English 30, High School Social Studies 10, High School Social Studies 20, High School Social Studies 30, High School Math 10, High School Science 10, High School Biology 20, High School Biology 30, High School Physics 20, High School Physics 30,
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