Tutor Listing

Your Campus Connection

Welcome to the Tutor Registry

There are currently 666 active tutors in our database.


What is the Tutor Registry?

The Tutor Registry is an online resource for students and tutors. Students who are looking for extra support with their university and high school courses are invited to search the registry. Individuals who are looking to advertise their tutoring services are invited to join the SU Tutors program.

How Do I Search the Registry?

To search for tutors, simply enter the subject or course that you are looking for in the search box at the top of this page. Tutors offering tutoring services for the specified course will appear in the search results. Tutors who have most recently updated their profile will be at the top of the results. Clicking on a tutor’s name directly will bring you to their profile, where you can find more information about their experience, hourly rate, availability and contact information. Students looking for tutors are able to contact potential tutors directly.

We only list subjects that current SU Tutors are offering to tutor. If there are no search results for your desired course, consider searching for equivalent courses when it comes to university level courses. If you cannot find a tutor for a certain subject, please consider getting in touch with your Faculty Association or Department Association to see if they offer tutoring or study group help. You can also contact tutors who offer courses of the same subject to see if they are interested in adding that course to their offerings. SU Tutors are able to add additional courses to their profile on Bearsden.

Who are Our Tutors?

All tutors listed on the Tutor Registry are graduates of the SU Tutors training program, which is a joint initiative of the Students’ Union and the University of Alberta. In order to ensure that all SU Tutors provide their clients with high quality and professional service, all certified SU Tutors are committed to the following service standards:

SU Tutors Standards
1. Ensure that tutoring sessions are one – to – one interactions between the student and the tutor. SU Tutors does not endorse group tutoring sessions. 2. Provide and sign a tutor-client contract. The medium of tutoring (in person or online) will be agreed upon before signing.
3. Ensure that interactions with your client are carried out from the perspective of a peer, and not that of an instructor. 4. Ensure that all actions are in line with the University of Alberta’s Code of Student Behaviour.
5. Incorporate the lessons learned during the SU Tutors Training Program into all tutoring sessions. 6. Ensure that interactions with clients are prompt, courteous, accurate and thorough. All situations must be handled in a confidential and professional manner.

We expect that our tutors will uphold these standards, and that they will offer students the best assistance possible.

How Do I Become a Tutor?

To become an SU Tutor, simply click on the "Become a Tutor" link on this page.


Although tutors listed on the Tutor Registry are graduates of SU Tutors, tutors who post on the registry are independent tutors, and as such are not employees of the U of A Students’ Union or the University of Alberta. As independent tutors, the University of Alberta and the U of A Students’ Union are not responsible for any incidents that might occur.
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University of Alberta
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T6G 2J7