![Session Descriptions](/media/uploads/1183/SLW-pageheader.jpg )
Student Leaders Week: Session Descriptions
Sustainability + Capital Plan Focus Group
Location: Orion Room, Lower Level SUB; Time: Monday, January 20, 11 am - 12 pm
Akanksha Bhatnagar
The Students’ Union Building (SUB) is a key asset for students at the University of Alberta. Beyond being a place on campus to meet with your friends, study, grab lunch, or catch a movie, SUB revenues provide more than $3 million in funding each year to support student services and initiatives, in addition to creating hundreds of job opportunities on campus.
As a non-academic space on campus, SUB is not eligible for direct government capital grants—yet still requires more than $25 million to address accumulating deferred maintenance costs. The University of Alberta Students’ Union (UASU) is proposing to create a permanent Sustainability and Capital Fund to help provide funding that allows for us to invest in the environmental, social and financial sustainability of our building. The Capital and Sustainability Fund fee will be initially set at $25/term and the focus group will be to gain feedback on the proposal and future project ideas.
Free coffee and tea provided
Defining Leadership
Location: Orion Room, Lower Level SUB; Time: Monday, January 20, 2 pm - 3 pm
Dayna Wallington
What does leadership mean to you? In this session we will be discussing what leadership is, why it is important, and how to best utilize your definition of leadership to accomplish your goals.
Free coffee and tea provided
Illusion or Influence? Increasing youth engagement in Parliament
Location: SUB Atrium; Time: Monday, January 20, 4 pm - 6 pm
Senator Marilou McPhedran
Independent Senator Marilou McPhedran is a human rights lawyer appointed to the Senate three years ago. A top priority on her parliamentary agenda is youth leadership. Her guest lecture will be a dialogue with students as global citizens about their concerns, with information sharing on the role of a modernized Senate and opportunities for engagement in governance.
Free snacks and desserts provided
Social Media in Campaigning
Location: Orion Room, Lower Level SUB; Time: Tuesday, January 21, 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm
Akanksha Bhatnagar
Most individuals that vote on campus might not ever meet the candidate they are voting for, therefore social media is an important vessel to use to showcase a candidate. How can you curate a brand online, that is indicative of you are as a candidate? How can you effectively communicate your complicated ideas to a student population that is being oversaturated by social media? Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, stories, videos - what should you use?! This session is targeted at individuals who want to learn ways to effectively use social media to engage the campus community during the election period. Bring your questions, and if you have material prepared, we can use this time to provide feedback.
Free coffee and tea provided
LEAD: Public Speaking
Location: Orion Room, Lower Level SUB; Time: Tuesday, January 21, 2 pm - 3 pm
Anusha Kav
Ever thought about public speaking? Does it freak you out? No problem! You're not alone. Public speaking is important in so many ways, but especially in governance and advocacy. Come learn some tips and tricks about public speaking.
Free coffee and tea provided
Students’ Council Open House
Location: SUB Atrium; Time: Tuesday, January 21, 5 pm - 9 pm
Curious as to what the Students’ Council is? Did you know these 32 Councillors are the highest governing body of the Students’ Union? As per new government legislation, they will now also make decisions on your Mandatory Non-Instructional Fees and Tuition Costs. Come enjoy a free pasta bar in the Students’ Union Building Atrium and meet the students who represent you. Interested in running? Come ask questions about how you can run in the upcoming election
After 6 pm, come with us to Council Chambers and attend a Students’ Council meeting!
Free Pasta Bar and Soft Drinks provided (5 - 6 pm)
Social Media in Campaigning
Location: Orion Room, Lower Level SUB; Time: Wednesday, January 22, 12 pm - 1 pm
Akanksha Bhatnagar
Most individuals that vote on campus might not ever meet the candidate they are voting for, therefore social media is an important vessel to use to showcase a candidate. How can you curate a brand online, that is indicative of you are as a candidate? How can you effectively communicate your complicated ideas to a student population that is being oversaturated by social media? Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, stories, videos - what should you use?! This session is targeted at individuals who want to learn ways to effectively use social media to engage the campus community during the election period. Bring your questions, and if you have material prepared, we can use this time to provide feedback.
Free coffee and tea provided
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion in Leadership
Location: Orion Room, Lower Level SUB; Time: Wednesday, January 22, 2 pm - 3 pm
Jenna Mulji
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) is a way to remove systemic barriers to participation in leadership roles. In this presentation UASU Student Governance Officer Jenna Mulji will provide some basic information on what EDI is and how you can use it to improve access to leadership positions in the organizations you're a part of.
Free coffee and tea provided
Indigenous Governance and Leadership
Location: SUB Atrium; Time: Wednesday, January 22, 4 pm - 6 pm
Indigenous Panel moderated by Andrew Volk, with
- Megan Arcand
- Nathan Sunday
- Evan Wong
The Students’ Union is hosting a panel with Indigenous student leaders to discuss their experiences in student governance and leadership. The panellists will talk about the barriers of involvement, but most importantly how their involvement fostered community and how it has enriched their campus experience. The panellists hope to motivate any indigenous students to join in leadership positions and student governance to make their voices heard, and enrich their time on campus.
Free Bannock and Coffee provided
Wings and Things
UASU Executives (Joel, Jared, Luke, Akanksha, Adam)
Location: Room at the Top, 7th floor, SUB; Time: Wednesday, January 22, 8 pm - 10 pm
There is a team of 5 Executives, elected by undergraduate students, that represent you at every level of government, the University and stakeholders around Edmonton. Each year, you elect these Executives and now is your chance to come and enjoy some free wings and things (vegan options included!) with them. We have the President, Vice-President Academic, Student Life, Operations and Finance and External. Curious as to what is it they do? Want to run for their positions? Have questions about their goals? Now is your chance too!
Free wings and vegan options provided
Gov 101
Location: Orion Room, Lower Level SUB; Time: Thursday, January 23, 12 pm - 1 pm
Marion Haggarty-France
This session, offered in the form of a conversation, will include information about governing a university. How are decisions made? What is governance? Who is who and how does it all work? There will be details about the ‘law’ (Post-Secondary Learning Act), the three branches of governance (legislative, executive and judicial), the powers of the Board of Governors and General Faculties Council, and a brief overview about the history of the University of Alberta. Participants will receive helpful information that will spark further interest in governance!
Free coffee and tea provided
How to Manage a Campaign and Stay Sane
Location: Orion Room, Lower Level SUB; Time: Thursday, January 23, 2 pm - 3 pm
Julianna Stern
Want to learn how to run a campaign in an SU election? Look no further! Come to this session for tips on how to prepare and execute an effective campaign, manage volunteers, support the candidate, and do it all without sacrificing your well-being.
Free coffee and tea provided
Your SU Townhall
Location: Orion Room, Lower Level SUB; Time: Thursday, January 23, 4 pm - 6 pm
- Luke Statt • Vice President Operations and Finance
- Craig Turner • Director, Business Operations in Administration
- Eric Kother • Senior Manager, Student Services in Student Life
Ever wanted to have a greater say in how your UASU runs its bars, services, and other operations? Well, come check out our town hall where we will show you behind the curtain. There will be a presentation that will outline how our businesses and services have been performing over the last year and key strategic changes we've made to ensure they continue to serve you well, followed by a series of discussions that will engage you and give you the opportunity to provide feedback and ideas. For each discussion, participants will be provided with a summary of the service or business so they can be well equipped to give new and exciting ideas as well as critical feedback.
If you've wanted to suggest how to make Dewey's better, or how to improve your experience with Safewalk, or perhaps even have a suggestion for the expansion of a business or service? Come on by and tell us in this newly-created, low-barrier, and interactive engagement session!
Free coffee and tea provided
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Discover Governance
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7