
Students’ Union Voices Support for Proposed Assessment and Grading Improvements at the University of Alberta

Emerson Csorba - Tue May 31, 2011

Over the last year, the University of Alberta, under the leadership of Provostial Fellow Dr. Bob Luth, has engaged in numerous discussions about assessment and grading. The discussions began more than a year ago, and have led to a detailed assessment policy and grading procedure. Thanks to the outstanding work of Dr. Luth, student representative, Dustin Chelen and the CLE subcommittee on assessment and grading, the current version of the assessment policy and grading procedure is thorough and polished. The university’s emphasis on assessing students based on their achievement of clearly communicated learning outcomes – rather than on their performance relative to peers – is an innovative and refreshing improvement to student assessment. I’m excited to see the policy and procedure continue its development and before progressing through university governance in winter 2012.

  • Emerson