Building Tenants

Building Tenants in SUB

The Students' Union Building is home to most of the Students' Union's businesses and services, including SUBprint, our full-service printing facility; The Daily Grind, our own fair-trade, organic coffee shop; SUBmart, your campus "general store"; and Room at the Top, the perfect place for a pint with a stunning panoramic view of Edmonton.

All income generated by Students’ Union owned and operated businesses is returned to the student community through different services and projects of your Students’ Union .

Of course, SUB is also home to a number of other commercial and University tenants.

Main Floor Food Court

  • barBurrito
  • Edo Japan
  • Hula Poke
  • Marco's Famous
  • Opa! Of Greece
  • Subway

Other Main Floor Businesses

Automatic Teller Machines (Main Floor)

  • Alberta Treasury Branch (ATB)
  • Bank of Montreal
  • CIBC
  • Royal Bank
  • Scotiabank
  • TD Canada Trust

Lower Floor Businesses

  • Filistix
  • Alberta Treasury Branch and ATM

University Services

Campus Media

Facebook Twitter




Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7