Our Definition of Sustainability
As an organization that evolves every year, we aim to create a definition of sustainability that meets the beliefs and understanding of our Leadership Team.
In 2016 Sustain SU has adopted the University of Alberta's definition of sustainability:
Sustainability is the process of living within the limits of available physical, natural and social resources in ways that allow the living systems in which humans are embedded to thrive in perpetuity.
Sustain SU utilizes a holistic conception of sustainability that takes into consideration the interdependencies of environmental, social and economic systems.
Sustainability in Higher Education
Institutions of higher education are powerful and complex organizations that maintain incredible influential capacity. We believe that as leaders in innovation, teaching, research, and information distribution, universities have a responsibility to act as role models and an obligation to embody sustainability.
We advocate for the University of Alberta to incorporate sustainability into all of their operations and policies. We work closely with the university and associated communities to accomplish this goal. Through our initiatives we attempt to engage and educate students to lead more sustainable lives. We encourage and support the development and continuation of all sustainable activities that impact the university community.
We acknowledge the University of Alberta’s achievement of a Gold rating in AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking and Rating System (STARS) and hope we can help in achieving Platinum. We hope that we can aid in the University of Alberta’s Sustainability Plan.
Together we can make a brighter future for the world at the University of Alberta!
Additional Information
Sustainability in Higher Education
- The Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education
- The International Association of Universities
- University Leaders for a Sustainable Future
Sustainable Development