Volunteer Registry

Your Campus Connection


Arctic Journey Interpreters bring the Arctic to life!

As an interpreter, you will help lead guests in hands-on explorations at our programming tables and spend time interacting with them in the exhibit. By facilitating hands-on experiences, you will encourage guests to ask questions, increase their understanding of the North, and respect Indigenous ways of knowing and culture.

•Daily Shifts (Mon - Sun): 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Your interest or knowledge in Arctic Sciences (the cryosphere, permafrost, the animals, the plants, Indigenous knowledge), along with an outgoing personality and strong communication skills will prompt guests to share their experiences and make connections to the North. All applicants must be 15 years of age or older with grade 9 science. Volunteer staff are requested to commit to one, 3-5 hour shift per week over a period of three months, or the equivalent of 40 hours.

Join TELUS World of Science – Edmonton (TWOSE) as we embark on our 40th trip around the sun! Situated in the heart of amiskwacîwâskahikan in Treaty Six Territory and the Métis Homeland, we are the destination to engage Albertans’ hearts and minds in science, with a mission to ignite curiosity, inspire discovery, celebrate science, and change lives.
We take pride in building a culture that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. Science is for everyone, and the Science Centre team is as diverse as our guests. We encourage Black, Indigenous, and racialized peoples, persons living with disability and neurodiversity, women, sexual and gender minorities, and members of all minority groups to apply.

Please apply online through our website: https://telusworldofscienceedmonton.ca/get-involved/volunteer/


•The ability to independently approach and engage persons in conversation, and establish a good rapport.
•An outgoing, helpful and enthusiastic manner.
•A sincere interest to work with a diverse audience, including persons of all ages and abilities.
•An interest in, and enthusiasm for the sciences.
•Strong leadership and communication skills.
•The ability to work with large groups of people and make appropriate decisions to meet emergency or special situations.
•Public speaking, teaching and/or mentoring experience is an asset.
•Service-oriented and flexible to meet the needs of the public.
•Previous training or experience related to the exhibit themes is an asset.


All volunteers attend a facility tour and then a department specific training!


An opportunity to develop or enhance job-related skills like communication, customer service, and public relations skills, while having fun, and meeting new people! As well, all TELUS World of Science - Edmonton volunteers receive a number of perks, including free admission, discounts, and more!

Duration: Ongoing
Faculty: All Faculties
Location: Edmonton


Name: Katerina Smid
Phone: (780)-452-9100 ext 2234
Email: ksmid@twose.ca


11211 142 St NW
Edmonton , Alberta
T5M 4A1

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Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7