Welcome to the Used Book Registry!
How do I post my books on the registry?
Click the
Advertise Your Books link in the left-hand sidebar. You'll need to create an SU Registries user account if you're a first-time user. If you have already created an account for the Tutor Registry or Volunteer Registry, you can use that same account.
What is an ISBN?
An ISBN is a 10-digit or 13-digit number that is unique to every published book. It allows you to easily lookup a specific book, and even a specific edition of a book. The ISBN is usually located next to the barcode on the back of a book.
How do I know what book/edition I need for my course?
We recommend checking your syllabus and/or asking your instructor which specific book you will need for the course. Sometimes, different sections of the same class use different books. Remember to also ask your instructor whether an older edition of the book would work -- often there are not a lot of changes between editions.