Start Your Campaign
If you are not sure how to get started with your campaign, here are some tips to get you started. Each phase of the nomination and campaign period will have its own unique challenges, so read below for tips in each phase!
Face your fears
We know that there are a lot challenges and fears that can come with deciding to run for any kind of office. To borrow a slogan from She Should Run: “If you care, you’re qualified.” Student government at UAlberta has many layers, and it also has many people involved who will be able to help you learn the ins and outs, so you can succeed.
Choose your role
“RUN for a position with intention, and help us shape a better community!” - Sherry Gao, Stride Ambassador
Data shows that there is less diversity in leadership the higher up you go. Find out about the UASU Executive and Board of Governors Representative Portfolios.
Passionate about your home faculty? Raise your voice by running to serve on Students’ Council, to oversee the UASU’s mandate.
Show up for students’ academic and co-curricular affairs on General Faculties Council.
Or, rep your fellow scholars to Council and Exec on your Faculty Association, or more specifically for your program in your Department Association.
Have a lot to say about your experiences living on campus? Run for a role in your Residence Association!
Find your nomination package here
Gather your team
“There’s a lot more people who will come out of the woodwork to support you than you probably think there will be.” – Colorado State Representative Brianna Titone (quoted by She Should Run)
Chances are, you already have someone (or a few someones!) in mind when you start to think about who will support you through this journey! All you have to do is ask.
Key team members you will need to run a successful campaign:
- Your campaign manager
- Volunteer coordinator
- Communications manager
- Finance/Spending manager
- Support volunteers!
Keep up your momentum
“[E]ven the most exceptional leaders are still not without fault regardless of how well known or impactful they are.” - Kim, Stride participant 2023
Remember that there are supports on campus to support your mental and physical health -- not just during the campaign, but throughout the year:
After the campaign
Celebrate, regardless of your campaign outcome.
Congratulations, you did something brave by running for a position! Whether you won or lost your race, you accomplished a lot by putting your name out there.
Acknowledge your feelings, whatever they are -- triumph, sadness, or anywhere in between. Show your appreciation for the people who supported you. And take some time to reflect on what you learned and accomplished throughout the campaign period.
This content inspired by She Should Run.

Discover Governance
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7