UASU Elections
As a student-run organization, UASU’s student leaders are elected annually to represent the 35,000+ undergrads at the University of Alberta and guide our efforts for the coming year.
Your UASU holds three elections throughout the year: a By-Election in the Fall, and the General Election, and the Students’ Council and General Faculties Council Election takes place in the Winter term. New candidates are nominated for a variety of leadership roles and you vote on your representatives for the coming year.
Fall By-Election
- Election to fill vacancies on Students' Council and the General Faculties Council.
- Occurs during the first week of October each year.
Students' Union General Election
- Election to fill the President, Vice Presidents, and Board of Governors representative positions.
- Plebiscite and/or Referenda questions, if any, occur during this election.
- Occurs during the first week of March each year.
Students' Council (SC)/General Faculties Council (GFC) Elections
- Election of councillors from the various faculties to either Students' Council or the General Faculties Council.
- Faculty Association (FA) elections are encouraged to participate.
- Occurs during third week in March each year.
2025/2026 Nomination Dates
General Election
Election Nomination Deadline - CLOSED
Thursday, February 13th at 6:00 P.M.
Council and GFC Elections
Election Nomination Deadline
Monday, March 10th at 6:00 P.M.
2025/2026 General Election Voting Dates
General Election
March 5, 2025 9AM - March 6, 2025 6PM
Council and GFC Elections
March 19, 2025 9AM - March 20, 2025 6PM
Vacancy Petitions
When Elections are over, but you're still interested in getting involved: according to UASU bylaws, you can submit a vacancy petition if there are openings for your faculty.
Vacancy Petitions for the 2024-25 term are no longer available.
2025/2026 Nomination Packages
The Nomination Package for the 2025/2026 UASU Executive and Board of Governors Representative Election, and the 2025/2026 UASU Students' Council and GFC Election are now available.
Bodies Elected by Students' Union Members
UASU Executive Committee
- President: Acts as the primary spokesperson for the Students’ Union.
- VP Academic: Advocates for students' interests within the University community and beyond.
- VP External: Responsible for Students' Union government and community relations.
- VP Operations and Finance: Responsible for managing the UASU's $10 million budget.
- VP Student Life: Responsible for university-related non-academic issues.
Undergraduate Board of Governors Representative
Acts as a voice for the undergraduate student body on the University of Alberta Board of Governors, the ultimate decision making authority of the university. This student works in coordination with the UASU President (another BoG member) and also sits as a voting member of the UASU Students' Council.
UASU Students' Council
The highest governing body of the Students' Union. This council has ultimate decision-making authority over all aspects of the organization.
General Faculties Council
The academic legislative body of the University of Alberta. This council deals with all academic matters and student affairs issues (as set out in the Alberta Post-Secondary Learning Act). It is the highest level at which academic decisions are made, and is chaired by the President of the University of Alberta.
Other Elections
Plebiscites and Referenda
Plebiscites and referenda can either be initiated by UASU Students' Council or by individual UASU members. A plebiscite is a vote, open to all Students' Union members held on a given question but that is not binding, while a referendum is a vote held on a given question and whose result is legally binding upon the Students’ Union.
Contact the CRO by October if you're interested in proposing a question.
Run your SRA election with us
Student Representative Associations (including Residence and Faculty Associations) can add their elections on to our election periods in many cases. Contact the CRO for more info.
Contact Information
Chief Returning Officer
Room 0-68 B SUB