Candidates for Vice President (Operations & Finance)
The Vice President (Operations and Finance) or 'VP OpsFi' is heavily involved in the high-level policy of the UASU's operations and finances, and is a primary advisor to the Executive Committee and management on operational and financial matters. The VP OpsFi oversees the portions of the UASU's budget processes that fall within the realm of the Executive Committee. If the President is not available, the VP OpsFi chairs the Executive Committee and can direct the General Manager. The VP OpsFi is often called on to participate in working groups and committees to refine the UASU's operations at a policy level. Working with the President, the VP OpsFi can be called on to be the UASU's spokesperson to the public and the media on policy and financial matters.
The candidates for the [YEAR] UASU Elections for Vice President Operations & Finance are:
[candidate photo]
[paste candidate bio here, max 250 words}