Candidates for Vice President (External)
The Vice President (External) or 'VPX' represents students in federal, provincial, and municipal political spheres. The UASU is officially nonpartisan, engaging with government leaders, civil servants, and opposition parties to support, inform, or oppose changes related to major student issues, without taking stances for or against parties or candidates. This requires careful judgment on the part of the VPX, who works closely with the President in government and public/media relations. The VPX has some representative responsibilities within the University, typically including a seat on the Senate, which focuses on community relations. The VPX ensures UAlberta students' needs and priorities are represented in the advocacy efforts of the Edmonton Student Alliance (ESA), the Council of Alberta University Students (CAUS), and the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA). The VPX sometimes also opts to run for a position (e.g. Chair, Vice Chair, committee leadership) in the ESA, CAUS, or CASA. Working with the President, the VPX is often the UASU's spokesperson to the public and the media on student issues related to areas of government jurisdiction.
The candidates in the [YEAR] UASU Election for Vice President External are:
[Candidate Name]
[insert candidate photo here]
[paste candidate bio here, max 250 words]