Students for a Better University
Your voice matters. The Academic Relations Group is a unique opportunity to talk with University of Alberta administrators about what is important to students.
Students have changed our University. They have reduced fees, made student-friendly spaces on campus, changed the way BearTracks works, and helped in the creation of amazing new university services.
ARG is a team of undergraduate students hand-picked to sit on university committees, learn insider information about how campus works, and grow their advocacy skills. They meet regularly with university officials at committee meetings, and receive specialized support each month from the Vice President Academic and Discover Governance. Major topics of focus include the cost of textbooks, recognizing excellent professors, improving academic advising, and making clearer university policies.
Members of ARG serve as volunteer delegates of the VP Academic on a suite of University of Alberta committees.
How to Apply
Are you ready to be heard?
Applications for the Academic Relations Group are being accepted until December, 2019. Please submit a one-page cover letter and your resume to Joel Agarwal, VP Academic. Paper copies can be submitted at SUB 2-900; electronic copies should be sent to
Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7