Volunteer with Week of Welcome!
Team Facilitator applications for 2024 have closed.
Check back in October for how to get involved!
Week of Welcome is the biggest volunteer group on campus, and has positions for people with all kinds of strengths and interests.
Position Descriptions for WOW 2024
Faculty Team Facilitators (FTFs)
Approximate Time Commitment: 130 hours over 10 months
Faculty Team Facilitators will along with other FTFs lead a team of Faculty Leader volunteers throughout the year. The Faculty Team Facilitator duties will include but are not limited to:
- Promote the Week of Welcome program during recruitment periods
- Interview, select and hire Faculty Leader Volunteers to be a part of their team
- Organize and support team bonding events throughout the summer for all volunteers
- Facilitate general and specific tour training for Faculty Leaders prior to New Student Orientation
- Be a knowledgeable first point of contact for both volunteers and new students on campus locations, buildings, and general information.
- Provide assistance to all Week of Welcome activities such as WOW village, MainStage, and Pancakes
Site and Admin Team Facilitator (SATF)
Approximate Time Commitment: 130 hours over 10 months
Site and Admin Team Facilitators along with other SATFs will help to lead, train and oversee the Site and Admin Volunteers over the course of the year. The Site and Admin Team Facilitator duties will include but are not limited to:
- Promote the Week of Welcome program during recruitment periods
- Interview, select and hire Site and Admin Volunteers to be a part of their team
- Organize and support team bonding events throughout the summer for all volunteers
- Facilitate training for Site and Admin Volunteers
- Providing support and assistance during event set up / tear down, primarily during set up week before New Student Orientation
- Work “behind the scenes” to help support front-facing aspects of New Student Orientation
- Provide assistance to all Week of Welcome activities such as WOW Village, MainStage, and Pancakes
Information and Presentation Team Facilitator (IPTF)
Approximate Time Commitment: 145 hours over 10 months
Information Presentation Team Facilitators along with other IPTFs, help to oversee the Information and Presentation Facilitators that make up their team as well as the delivery of UAlberta 101 during New Student Orientation. IPTFs duties include but are not limited to:
- Promote the Week of Welcome program during recruitment periods
- Interview, select and hire Information Presentation Facilitators to be a part of their team
- Organize and support team bonding events throughout the summer for all volunteers
- Facilitate training for the Information Presentation Facilitators
- Work to deliver the UAlberta 101 presentation during New Student Orientation
- Provide assistance to all Week of Welcome activities such as WOW Village, MainStage, and Pancakes
Questions? Email us volunteers@su.ualberta.ca
To check out some volunteers in action, visit our Instagram @UASUevents.

Students' Union Executive and Administrative Offices
Room 2-900
Students' Union Building
University of Alberta
8900 - 114 Street NW
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2J7