Student Handbook
The Student Handbook is given out at Orientation to first year students, at our Week of Welcome to upper-year students, and is available free of charge throughout the school year. We print thousands of copies each year, and we typically distribute almost every copy we print.
During the pandemic we redesigned the Handbook and mailed it out directly to every first year student. The new design and mailout has been so well received that we're keeping it! Now not only will students be able to pick up a handbook at Orientation & Week of Welcome, but first-year students located throughout Canada will receive a copy in the mail in August! This is a perfect opportunity to connect with first-year students before anyone else!
The redesigned Handbook is shorter, which means there's less advertising space, so be sure to get your order in early!
The Handbook is designed with students' needs in mind. In addition to a daytimer/planner, it contains detailed information about the UASU and about the university, including key dates. Many students use their handbooks for the entire academic year, making it an excellent medium to get long-lasting exposure.
Advertising in the Student Handbook closes at the end of April, but there's always competition for key spots like the covers, so get your request in early: this is a proven medium that sells out every year.
The latest Media Kit for the Handbook is available here. We do not publish our rates online, but if you want a Rate Card, just contact us at handbook@su.ualberta.ca, and we'll send one out.