Elected Positions
Executive Committee
The President is responsible for representing University of Alberta students in the larger community to both University Administration and off-campus organizations, and guides the overall policy and operational direction of the Students’ Union during their term.
The VP (Academic) is responsible for concerns and initiatives that are academic in nature, including the quality of undergraduate teaching instruction, University academic regulations, academic advocacy and textbook costs.
The VP (External) is responsible for Students’ Union relations with government and the larger community and develops policy on issues such as post-secondary funding, coordinating national and provincial lobbying efforts, and improving the public profile of students and their concerns.
The VP (Operations & Finance) is responsible for managing the Students’ Union’s more than $11 million budget, overseeing departmental operations and working closely with the SU senior staff, assisting with overseeing many aspects of the daily operations and businesses.
The VP (Student Life) is responsible for all non-academic aspects of student life including events such as Week of Welcome and AntiFreeze, overseeing numerous Students’ Union services, and advocating on issues such as residences and health and wellness.
Students' Council
Student Councillors (volunteer position) serve on Students’ Council, the governing body of the Students’ Union. Elected councillors from each faculty represent the student body and address issues that impact students. Councillors must be available on Council nights (Tuesday) from 5:30 pm.
You can learn more about running for these positions at the UASU Elections website