These recommendations are summarized from the ones in the report. To see the full recommendations as they are originally worded, see the full report here.
Recommendation | Status |
The SU shall hire an expert to conduct an organizational review and provide recommendations for reconciliatory actions. | Perpetual priority. Established mechanisms for consultation and reviewing internal commitments. |
The SU shall ensure adequate funding for elders and Oskapewsak. | Substantially complete. Funds allocated for honoraria and protocol. |
The SU shall name a portion of rooms in SUB to acknowledge the ancestral space on which it sits. | Significant effort. Ongoing process requiring consultation. |
The SU shall create a webpage to track its progress on these recommendations. | Substantially complete. |
The SU shall create a Reconciliation Coordinator position. | Substantially complete. Hired a series of FNMI Initiatives coordinators who have developed and implemented the recommended leadership program. |
The SU should increase transparency in regards to its work and advocacy. | Perpetual priority. Long-term public awareness campaign in progress. |
The SU shall advocate for the inclusion of a session on Indigenous Peoples at New Student Orientation, Eastern Ascent, and Basecamp. | Substantially complete. NSO module first deployed as of Fall 2020; further programming developed and improved through various iterations. As of Winter 2023, work is also being done on programming specific to residence. |
The SU shall incorporate Indigenous programming and performers into the Week of Welcome schedule each year. | Substantially complete. Indigenous performers included as of Fall 2020 WoW; ongoing work to include FNMI content in WoW consistently. |
The SU shall hire more people who identify as Indigenous at all levels of the institution. | Perpetual priority. Public-facing research explored demographics of SU student employees. Reports to Senate and BoG highlighted UASU commitment to improving Indigenous representation among employees. |
The SU shall create an Indigenous Student Success Award. | Substantially complete. |
The SU shall create and incorporate a public framework around Indigenous student and community consultation. | Significant effort. Under development. |
The SU shall explore the possibility of developing collaborative programming with Indigenous community partners and student groups. | Substantially complete. Extensive collaborative events highlighting Indigenous student leadership, including Indigenous Celebration Week. |
The SU shall increase its level of programming targeted towards Indigenous students. | Perpetual priority. In progress. One example: the Indigenous Leadership Program. |
The SU shall increase the prevalence of Indigenous art within its collection and create a mural in SUB. | Significant effort. All Students' Council meetings now use a gavel block by an Indigenous artist. An art committee for SUB is being created with Indigenous art as a priority. |
The SU shall raise awareness of positive Indigenous student experiences. | Perpetual priority. Collaborative events highlighting Indigenous student leadership. |
The SU shall make an informal agreement with Indigenous students outlining the SU’s promise to represent them. | Substantially complete. Ongoing relationship with Indigenous Student Union. |
The SU shall maintain a unified Acknowledgement of Traditional Territory that will be used throughout the SU. | Substantially complete. |
The SU shall create an Aboriginal Awareness Week. | Substantially complete. Indigenous Celebration Week redeveloped and conducted in Winter 2022 and Winter 2023, to be a recurring annual event. |
The SU shall extend an invitation to Indigenous stakeholders to any meeting in which Indigenous students are discussed. | Perpetual priority. Execs have helped ASC secure seats at CFSS Committee and three subcommittees, the GFC Committee on the Documentation of Indigeneity (CDI), and various other University consultation bodies. |
The SU shall create a policy surrounding smudging in SU buildings. | Substantially complete. |
The SU shall collaborate with Indigenous elders on all relevant matters. | Perpetual priority. Practices of regular, appropriate consultation on major issues. |
The SU shall conduct comprehensive research regarding the role that Aboriginality plays in leadership in student governance at the U of A. | Substantially complete. Public-facing report complete: 'Identity Matters 2: Diversity of Ancestry and Aboriginality.' |
(April 2023) The Executive Committee and Core Managers shall volunteer at least once a semester with an organization that serves the Indigenous population in Amiskwaciwâskahikan. The FNMI Specialist will engage with these organizations to find appropriate volunteer opportunities, and these opportunities will also be made available to all staff. Sufficient staff resources will be made available to coordinate volunteering, and accommodations will be made to allow staff to volunteer. The FNMI Specialist will coordinate these opportunities towards the end of the Winter Semester to be undertaken during the Spring/Summer Semesters and the following academic year. The FNMI Specialist will choose whether or not to attend the programmed times. | |
(April 2023) The UASU staff shall be allowed to attend Indigenous programming and events, including non-UASU-led programming and events. For instance, Round Dances, Indigenous Celebration Week, Indigenous Leadership Program, Residential School Memorial, etc. | |
(April 2023) The UASU shall integrate more Indigenous culture, art, and communities in regular programming, such as during Week of Welcome. | |
(April 2023) The UASU shall partner with schools in Amiskwaciwâskahikan and arrange programming for students to attend the UofA at least once per semester. Such programming can be shadowing in classes, lunches with student leaders, personalized tours of the UofA by students/UASU staff, talks, etc. Collaboration with other groups on campus is encouraged, such as First People's House. | |
(April 2023) The UASU shall give Indigenous programming and initiatives the same attention, effort, and resources as non-Indigenous UASU programming. | |
(April 2023) For all initiatives undertaken by the UASU regarding reconciliation, decolonization, and Indigenous programming in general, the UASU shall take on all financial responsibility, including any costs and honorariums associated with the events, programming, initiatives, etc. The UASU cannot ask Indigenous organizations or student groups to take on the financial responsibility (costs) for these initiatives. While these initiatives may be included within the FNMI Initiatives budget line, they would be additive rather than subtracting from the resources available to the FNMI Initiatives Specialist. | |
(April 2023) Recommend to the Executive that they should amend future job postings to say that it will be considered an asset in hiring if applicants have completed the University of Alberta Indigenous Canada MOOC, NS 201, or have comparable training or lived experience. Per consultation, some additional funding will be required for some of these action calls. In collaboration with the UASU VPOF, these additional allocations shall be arranged. |