![Education](/media/uploads/1169/arrcheader.jpg )
These recommendations are summarized from the ones in the report. To see the full recommendations as they are originally worded, see the full report here.
Recommendation | Status |
The UASU shall encourage members of the Executive Committee to receive training on Indigenous Peoples in Canada. | Substantially complete. Developed Truth and Reconciliation framework, participated in KAIROS blanket exercises, added standing orders requirement for Execs to receive appropriate training in perpetuity. |
The UASU should register its senior staff in the Indigenous Partnership Development Program (IPDP) or similar courses. | Substantially complete. Several core managers and other senior staff have taken training courses/workshops, completed the Indigenous Canada MOOC, and participated in KAIROS blanket exercises. |
The UASU shall provide students the opportunity to learn about Indigenous Peoples in Canada through presentations, plaques, advertising initiatives, etc. | Perpetual priority. Co-development and implementation of relevant sessions for Week of Welcome. |
The UASU shall raise awareness of positive Indigenous student experiences. | Perpetual priority. Collaborative events highlighting Indigenous student leadership, such as the renewed Indigenous Celebration Week. |
(April 2023) The Speaker of Students’ Council shall complete the University of Alberta Indigenous Canada MOOC within the first two (2) months of their employment by Students’ Council. The UASU shall accept the credit or non-credit version of the MOOC. The Speaker shall be exempt from taking the MOOC if they have taken NS 201 or at least three (3) courses in the Faculty of Native Studies. | The 2023/24 Speaker has taken more than three NS courses. |
(April 2023) Students’ Council and the Speaker of Students’ Council shall have an anti-oppression training/workshop within the first three (3) months of their term. | The John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights facilitated this workshop at the Summer 2023 GovCamp retreat. |
(April 2023) The Executive Committee and all senior staff shall receive training on how to respectfully and adequately work with Indigenous individuals and communities every year. | |
(April 2023) The Executives shall complete the University of Alberta Indigenous Canada MOOC within the first four (4) months of their term beginning. The UASU shall accept the credit or non-credit version of the MOOC, and shall allow executives to take replace the MOOC with NS 201 if they intend to take the course for credit in the upcoming academic year, so long as the course is completed and proof of completion is given to Students’ Council as an information item. Executives shall be exempt from taking the MOOC if they have taken NS 201 or at least three (3) courses in the Faculty of Native Studies. | |
(April 2023) The General Manager shall complete the University of Alberta Indigenous Canada MOOC within the first three (3) months that these recommendations being passed in Students’ Council and provide proof to the Council as an information item. The UASU shall accept the credit or non-credit version of the MOOC. | |
(April 2023) The UASU shall coordinate opportunities for staff (including the Council Speaker) to correctly pronounce the Cree language to respect our presence on Cree territory and Papaschase Cree land. If possible, Michif shall also be included. | This was addressed in the 2023-24 Students' Council handbook and at the Summer 2023 GovCamp retreat. |
(April 2023) A blanket exercise shall be conducted to educate all staff every two years, and every year for the Council, the Executive Committee and the Council's Speaker. |